• Heater

Nubian Mindz - Hacker Wacker EP

disko 404

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Nubian Mindz brings the steady-time hear to disko 404 with the Hacker Wacker EP - this one's been under the radar for some time, but we urge you to delve in if you haven't already.

Hacker Wacker comes locked with late '08 kinda 2step shuffle, with low-freq's pushing out below a miasma of kicks and drawn out percussive atmospherics supported by whip-crack drum machine snares - steady rolling through, until those excellent bendy synthlines come popping through, for extra dancefloor funk.

Flipside, Vox Cymbal submerges a little further, for the late night crew.
Syndrum zaps, Oberheimer-esque blips and off-kilter bass work their revolutions around a re-pitched vocal and subtle harmonics, for a mesmerising concoction of rhythm and unhinged melody.

Hacker Wacker

Vox Cymbal