• Pat Orburn - whistle / back

Pat Orburn - whistle / back

Equiknoxx Music

Regular price £28.99


We got a treat for you here, in the form of this special run of thirty (yes, only 30!) dubplate 7"s - each one hand cut and hand-stamped at Dub Crate - presenting two much cherished cuts from LDN based producer Pat Orburn, coming very correct via Equiknoxx Music.
We're feelin' blessed to be able to offer you these dubs direct, upfront, exclusive, whatever you wanna call it - - big shout to Gavsborg and all the Equiknoxx fam - 
find it here basically, and maybe don't be too long about it, because we don't expect these to hang around too long... Once you've listened to the clips and once that orange glow hits your visual periphery, you'll probably know what we mean...

A side, we got Pat Orburn whipping up an addictively skewed, percussive piece of dancehall-inspired funk, letting the bleeps and shuffling rhythms tumble over synthesized, yet highly organic sounds, rolling right into a vocal from Equiknoxx fam Kemikal - once this one gets going you won't be sitting still - no matter whether at home or in the dance. 

On the flip, the rhythm drops back down to a hazy kind of bogle around lurking drum sound and tripped vox patterns that'll have your head spinning counter clockwise, just as it should. Both sides are fully more-ish business, if you ask us. Can't get enough!
Word on the street is, that Gavsborg has been road testing these dubs for some time now, all around the world - dubplate style, but now it's out in the world for those that want these wicked tunes on a nice, no-fuss, DIY style 45'.

"Bip... Bip... Bip.. Bip. Bip!
....Yeah we know you're singing along...

Big tunes! These won't leave the bag.

(P.S. download sent to your inbox when you buy the record too.)


whistle (ft. Kemikal)
