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Asda - Live At Death Disko


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Asda live at Death Disko, recorded over some old Children's Bible Tapes.

FuckPunk is back -

28th July, Bristol.
We remember this night very well, in fact we dare say - we'll never forget.
Young Echo's Vessel & chester giles set foot at Kahn & Neek's elusive Death Disko session in Bristol's legendary Cosies club, and they lit the place up something special.

This is probably one of those 'you had to be there' kind of scenarios, but the cassette recording really does capture the atmosphere quite well.
Mic feedback and crowd screams included.

Let's just say, things got moshy in that place, and that was the first time we saw that happen in there.
It was a totally electric atmosphere, we're very glad there is some sort of manifestation of it here.

Of course the cassette comes packaged in the gig poster and it's been dubbed over some old Bible tapes... The remainder of the reels still have the religious stories on there, so really, you are investing in a double pack here, blasphemous crowd fuckery and bed time stories from Jerusalem included.

The live recording is around 40mins long, we've attached the youtube clip for a taste.

At the moment, there are 38 of these cassettes,
although we've been told they 'might make more'.
Served in original A3 Death Disko poster, designed by Sam 'Neek' Barrett.
Features a photo of asda in the bathtub, and FuckPunk showcase booking details.
Recorded on old Children's Bible Tapes.
Free rubber band (how generous).
Art direction by C26 (as always).