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Raime - Quarter Turns Over A Living

Blackest Ever Black

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Breathtaking first album from Raime on Blackest Ever Black now repressed!

Stalking the night like a bereft streetwalker in a post apocalyptic dystopia, the sense of no hope and apathy is palpable throughout this album. Eerie soundscapes and pummelling sonics immerse the listener in a setting that one would hope to never visit in reality, as tracks like "Soil and Colts" with its inscrutable crackles and ghostly voices lead you towards an ever impending clang which burns out in to the darkness.

Skeletal drums are about the only consistent element of the shifting scenes that Raime create, allowing the indecipherable sound design to take centre stage as it warps and threatens.

The only tangible references to other music are the slight echoes of Jungle and Hardcore which are hinted at in the rhythms but never fully allowed to emerge.

We urge you to buy this album but to do so at your own risk. Those with a weak disposition need not apply!

Dread and Terror

The Last Foundry

Soil & Colts

Exist In The Repeat Of Practice

Your Cast Will Tire