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Batu - Bleeper Feed/April These

Dnous Ytivil

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Bristol based Batu returns to Livity Sound after releases on Hotline, Mistry and of course, minting his own Timedance label and dances.

Last year was certainly a vintage year for yung producer who has continued to push his unique take on fractured techno and brain warping sound design. While his most recent drop explored the outer reached of the dancefloor, this guided missile is aimed squarely at your dancing schuez.

Topside is the electro leaning 'Bleeper Feed' that has been a favourite around these parts for a while now, gatling gun snares and block knocking kicks are paired with those trademark Batu freewheeling synths and atmospherics, promising to whip the club into a frenzy.

On the B side is he slightly more restrained 'April These', a skeletal drum track with subbed out kicks and delicate percussion. equally as deadly as the A side when deployed correctly.

High grade material once again and a great addition to the Livity catalog, heres hoping for more!

Bleeper Feed

April These