• Swirly thing detail

Christoph de Babalon x WIDT: TEYAS - Bocian


Regular price £14.99
'Christoph de Babalon places his skills at the service of dread-filled dramaturgy in ‘Teyas’, an abstract opera written in collaboration with Warsaw sisters Antonina Nowacka and Bogumila Piotrowska, a.k.a. WIDT.

Reframing De Babalon’s patented palette of diaphanous atmospheres and blood-dripping jungle breaks with a more theatrical purpose, ‘Teyas’ is a logical extension of his interests in macabre and gothic themes. Working in the shadows of rave, dark ambient and classical theatrical scores, the possessed presence of WIDT really sets this side apart, out there with de Bablon’s most memorable releases such as his recently reissued ‘If You're Into It, I’m Out of It’ classic.

Both WIDT and De Babalon bring a strong visual sensibility to ‘Teyas’ that vividly speaks to sound-to-image synaesthesia, with vocals detached and processed into an ungodly array of shapes and set against some of de Babalon’s most precise stage mise-en-scene, adding up ot the kind of sound that doesn’t struggle to suspend the listeners disbelief.

The result is 5 stunning parts of fathomless electro-acoustic space and sparingly-used percussive rushes shaded and kerned into a captivating narrative that's highly recommended to fans of everything from Jani Christou to Maja Ratkje, Sophia Loizou to Kreng.'

>> serious biz!



