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Andy Mac - Diving Bird 1

Idle Hands

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We've been waiting for this one!

Killer rootical exercise from the one Andy Mac on the one Idle Hands.

The first in the new 'Diving Bird' series from Andy Mac building on a long-time connection with Bristol stalwarts Idle Hands.
Rumours are, that their work relationship goes beyond a musical appreciation, Andy even built the famous record racks inside the store... Building riddims as well as racks for the label, he's a trusted craftsman around these parts.
While we certainly veered of the subject a little just then, this physical approach of his might just translate quite perfectly to his record, and indeed all of Andy Mac's output... Favouring the use of his trusted Roland Sampler, the ferric qualities of his Tape-Echo over digital techniques, along with a good ear for an infectious sample from his enviable record collection, Andy Mac's style is very much hands-on.
Exactly this on-the-fly approach is what makes this record such a joy to listen to... It's style is rooted in dub first and foremost and he his unique mastery of this mixing board technique is what makes these tracks so special.
At first listen the tracks appear, like the best of Basic Channel's dub-techno or Lee Perry's Black Ark dub mixes, fairly bare-bone and stripped back... Simple and effective.
But, the real reward comes once you let these slide out of the speaker box for a few minutes... The groove will have you hooked with it's percussive elements moving swiftly alongside, splashes of delay and cavernous reverbs create a seamless patchwork of atmosphere that keeps the fluidity of the rhythm section intact, leaving a perfectly placed sweet-spot in the mix for dubbed out chords and subtly placed field recordings derived from his local Cornwall, as well as a - slightly more exotic - trip to Western Africa.

Longships and Horse Fly Dub are serious, serious favourites here, these have been on repeated listen for some time now. The two rhythm cuts are peppered & spiced with the masterful loop-ambience of '10' on the B2, a great finish to a very solid 12.

Really great gear, 100% good for you.


Horse Fly