• Dozzy-spectrum-Spools

Donato Dozzy & Anna Caragnano - Sintetizzatrice

Spectrum Spools

Regular price £11.99

Stunning nine track LP from Donato Dozzy & Anna Caragnano, made entirely from a cappella singing and further audio processing.

Donato Dozzy is a firm favourite here at Rewind Forward, whatever he touches whether it be his work as one half of Voices from the Lake, his eclectic and hypnotising DJ mixes or his own astounding productions we can't get enough of. This new concept record from him and vocalist Anna Caragnano is another addition to an already stellar catalogue.

Anna's beautiful voice is worked masterfully by Dozzy in a variety of ways, creating delicate textures and chordal/chamber pieces as well as clipped rhythmic sections where passages of speech are looped up to create an intricate cadence as the words reach the semantic satiation point. The listener can interpret it how they feel.

Whilst this is a concept record, it never descends into mere gimmickry as the excellent production and alluring vocals create such a variety of sounds and feels, the concept is rendered unimportant.

One of the highlights on this is an excellent cover of Delia Derbyshire's (of Radiophonic Workshop fame) band White Noise's track "Love Without Sound" which is worth the price of admission alone!

A real one-off this record, we invite you to grab a copy, dim the lights and take a trip! 


Love Without Sound


