• Laksa-007-MAIN

Laksa - 66 Rebels


Regular price £8.49
Body-rattlin’ UK rufige from Laksa, marking his second appearance on Beneath’s Mistry label with two parts of properly assertive, bassbin-troubling mongrel business circa 120bpm. Leading on from Mistry’s examples by Alex Coulton, Chevel, Webstarr, Batu and Gaunt, Laksa nails the label aesthetic with insistent torque and no concession to niceties. 66 Rebels staggers across the A-side, drunken master style, whipping the subs into a mucky frenzy under deglazed, worn-down drums and stinging bleeps that bite in all the right places.

There’s no let up in CTRL Delete either. From the rim it’s a headlong trip into cavernous dread dance music swarmed by chromatic ghost voices and shocked into action by a massive, reverberating synth lead that takes half the track to get going, but when it does, its lights out.

66 Rebels

Ctrl Delete