• Rhythm & Sound ft. Paul St. Hilaire - Jah Rule

Rhythm & Sound ft. Paul St. Hilaire - Jah Rule

Burial Mix

Regular price £7.99
Rhythm & Sound / Paul St.Hilaire gold -

If you're already aware of the 'Burial Mix' series of Rhythm & Sound releases, then we will not need to put this into further context...

Mark Ernestus and Moritz Von Oswald have managed to distill the essence of the most spiritual nyabinghi heartbeat rhythms with a totally stripped back, less-is-more sense of dubbing, Berlin style.

Add the subtly dubbed, heartfelt vocals of Tikiman a.k.a. Paul St.Hilaire to the mix and we are presented with one of the finest pieces of deep, meditational dub music.

Simply beautiful.

10" pressed in the centre of a 12" disc.

Rhythm & Sound ft. Paul St. Hilaire - Jah Rule

Rhythm & Sound - Jah Version