• ROTP002

Rhythms Of The Pacific Vol.2

Rhythms Of The Pacific

Regular price £9.99

Nearing 12 months have past since the first ‘Rhythms Of The Pacific’ 12’’ dropped and to say that expectations were high for number two would be an understatement. Thankfully the crew behind the shop come label didn’t disappoint and round up 4 more cuts from Vancouver and surrounding areas.

The A-side is given over entirely to ‘Neo image’ who offers up two sublime cuts of proper lo-fi house music, shimmering melodies float along on weightless chords, propelled by taught drum patterns, straight from the groove box. Beautifully simple and infinitely danceable.

Flip the disk for the sounds of ‘Florist’ who works more effortless melodies over crisp drum rolls and a rather tasty bassline. D. Tiffany closes the proceedings with ‘Orange Crush’, our favourite cut from Vol. 2 which pairs glassy, delayed keys with tape saturated drums in proper ROTP style.

Neo Image - So

Neo Image - JR East

Florist - 11271

D Tiffany - Orange Crush