• Abu-AMA-main

Abu Ama - Naserii


Regular price £8.99
Abu AMA at the controls once again, venturing the cross roads between North Africa, the Middle East, and cross-bred soundsystem sonics.

Having become aware of Abu's self-released 'Ishana Into Abyss' record some time ago - handed to us by Bokeh Versions bossman Miles Opland, who managed to track Abu down somewhere in Berlin, sealing the deal for what became the excellent 'Arabxo Ishara' tape on Bokeh - we were equally pleased to receive a message from the man himself, putting us in touch with the superb Seagrave imprint (expect to find more of their music on here soon).

This 10 track, 55 minute cassette leads us through field recordings and ethereal chants, taking in thick layers of smog and alluring mystery, as heavily charged arabesque rhythms channel the syncopated traffic noise and phasing, re-pitched excerpts of traditional musics.

From the mythical chants vs the gritty traplines of title track Naserii, through to the blurred belly dance of BLK #3H and the Spanish sidestep of Esta Bien, it's a captivating listen that keeps the intrigue at high levels, constantly shifting along with each phrase and rhythmic pattern.
Whilst the rhythms doubtlessly give each track that extra momentum and pace, it is worth noting the stripped back depth charge of track 8, Arabxxo, which shows that Abu AMA's deft approach to samplism and layering of atmospherics could carry itself, even without the rhythms, as a more eyes-down soundscape in a worldly manner... It's that good!

Take the trip!

C55 cassette, comes with instant DL.
1. Mauric Blood Vrsn
2. Naserii
3. Marakesh Blue
4. Lost & Found
5. BLK #3H
6. Eezaa
7. Esta Bien
8. Arabaxxo
9. Side By Side For Peace
10. India Minimal Dub

Marakesh Blue


