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Dedekind Cut - American Zen

Hospital Productions

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Deeply immersive, cinematic excursions through bleak post industrial landscapes, from the hugely promising alias of Lee Bannon on the excellent Hospital Productions imprint.

Described by the label as ‘Spaciousness in the confines of the city’ this five tracker is a real trip - Opening with the glassy daybreak sequence of the title track split into two parts, gradually evolving through the space of 7 odd minutes into the pensive chords and stainless steel sweeps of ’Caution’.

‘Deja Vu In Reverse’ brings that same tension right from the off, whereas previous tracks on the album hinted at the appearance of beats, midway through this cut descends into of of the most chest crushing techno cuts to pass through these doors in a while. Crafty use of dynamics only adds to the immense pressure as the tidal waves of ferric static wrestle with the drums before falling away again. If you dug that Croydon House era Pinch sound you’ll be right at home here.

Limited to 150 copies this one and we doubt it’ll hang around - Give your ears and tape player a treat.

American zen 1&2


Deja Vu, In Reverse

So Far.. So good