• happyskull003

Rhythmic Theory - Decadence Of Delay

Happy Skull

Regular price £7.49
Banging 12" on the Happy Skull label by Bristol's mysterious 'Rhythmic Theory' -

This is one tough, upfront chunk of acid-induced uk/detroit techno, fully geared up for the dancefloor - no remorse.

Superbly executed hardware jams by the one like Rhythmic Theory - aesthetically equally as hard and gritty in design as his Idle Hands 12" released in 2013, this one stands up nicely alongside his previous work.

Centered around a rugged kick drum and aggressive low-end, the percussive elements seem to work around the foundations in precise rhythm and groove, giving this one enough momentum and drive to shake up any kind of floor, whilst maintaing a firm stylistic stance.

Absolutely Top 12". Don't sleep.

Rhythmic Theory - Decadence Of Delay

Rhythmic Theory - Endocrine Creatures