• AM003

Rhythmic Theory - Traveling Without Moving

Ancient Monarchy

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After debuting the Ancient Monarchy sublabel with Lucid State/Shores of Caladan back in 2015, Rhythmic Theory has gone and done it again with a brand new 4-tracker that serves as a new benchmark for his future discography – this is an outstanding set of tunes.

“Travelling Without Moving” sees Rhythmic Theory at his most refined – and deadly. An intro of space-age pads and phased ‘n’ flanged hats give way to a flurry of percussive fury, quick in step but so god-damn heavy it nearly hurts. Every moment feels deliberate, every thud and crack moulded, sculpted and placed for absolute impact. Then the vocal sample...

“The Bends” does things half-step, but it’s no slouch. Polyrhythms abound and keep the track on its toes, with kicks as hard as rock keeping the pace rolling. Metallic, resonant percussion fills out the rest of the rhythm section, and Rhythmic Theory’s classic pads and atmospheres top it all off in this bruising, DMZ-style roller.

The other two tunes here see Rhythmic Theory go beatless. “Ceti Alpha V” sounds like the intro to a golden-era DJ Crystl tune – gorgeous gated synth, blasts of sub and creepy risers – the influence is obvious but the execution is formidable. Last up, the Eno-esque “Machine State” is the cool down – resonant, filtered atmos and a lone synth line bring the EP to a close, leaving you wondering what on Earth just went on…

Be quick – if the last Rhythmic Theory on Ancient Monarchy is anything to go by, this will go fast and will get expensive.

Travelling Without Moving

Ceti Alpha V

The Bends

Machine State