• Wasted-House

Roger West - Wasted House

In Paradisum

Regular price £8.99
>>Highly Recommended<<

Amédée De Murcia debuts the ‘Rodger West’ moniker for the ever-impressive In Paradisum label.

Perhaps better known for his more abrasive techno jams, he references four unknown dance tracks from the 90s and chops and screws them in what is one of the most intriguing mutations to land in our selections for some time.

 Described by the label as being ‘Like a memory that never happened’, immediately conjuring up the feeling of big room parties in ‘beefa being lit right up to the sounds of Wamdue Project, Mario Piu and Montano VS The Trumpet man. Imagine that era of excess and anthems being channelled through rivers of sludge, yards of crusty tape and viewed through frosted glass and you’ll get an idea of the brilliant juxtapositions that this EP is filled with.

 ‘Mouldy House’ opens with something resembling hard house kicks and frayed anthem vox before easing right back into a swaggering groove, peppered with reverbed snippets of the buried original before shifting into top gear with some powerful snares - if you dig the Detroit sludge sound, this is a must.

 ‘Washing House’ hints at the brassy, conga-filled jams from Pete Heller, allowing twisted saxophone licks to bleed through the waves of side chained pads before looping to near infinity. ‘Soaked House’ is more introspective, channelling the spirit of Positiva through misty eyes and the despair of a vicious come-down. Saving the best till last, of course, is ‘End House’, pushing gleaming arpeggios into the centre of the frame, immediately reminding us of some of the more anthemic cuts that are lying tattered in our long unopened record bags, ‘The Awakaning’ from York and perhaps even a hint of the less than subtle ‘Once Again’ if you want the translation.

With all that said, we can imagine this one sitting right alongside the current releases on TTT and the like, and therein lies this record’s appeal: the thrill of picking apart these tracks for those that were around to remember the classics the first time around, a crash course in Ministry CDs for those that weren’t and a bloody excellent collection of contemporary dance floor tracks for those that just want to get straight into the mix.

Housed in brilliant sleeve artwork by Jules Estèves, perhaps a nod to Peter Saville’s waste paintings and, we would imagine, the shredded remains of the original source materials artwork - if you have any luck identifying the original tracks that make up this incredible record, please let us know!

Mouldy House

Washing House

Soaked House

End House