• New-zammy

Titus 12 - Summon Luxo / Silly Youth

ZamZam Sounds

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Bristolian bass don and Limbo Tapes bossman Titus 12 comes in with another hotted up pair of tunes on one of our long-time favourite labels, ZamZam.

Both sides owe clear debts to Grime - the A side Summon Luxo through it's regular switches between half and double-time and quick-shot vocal edits.

The B side's Grime nodes are more obvious, a Wiley-esque gliding melody forming the main meat of the tune. Silly, not self-serious and bursting with character, its blend of Titus' more usual steppers fair with the contemporary Grime references makes for a fresh take on a still relatively untapped aspect of digital dub music.

Huge tunes and expected to go fast, don't sleep!

Summon Luxo

Silly Youth