• Tropic-Of-Cancer-archive-BEB

Tropic Of Cancer - Archive - The Downwards Singles

Blackest Ever Black

Regular price £8.99
A very welcome collection of T.O.C's singles that were originally released on Downwards and are now well out of press.

Camella Lobo and J. Mendez (perhaps better known as Silent Servant of Sandwell District fame) are Tropic Of Cancer, and, over the last 6 years have released a small but vital number of singles and an album for Blackest Ever Black, Ghostly and Mannequin.

The three tracks on offer here are the duo's earliest works, pure coldwave magic, Dr. Rhythm presets looped up to infinity and drenched in scuzzy reverb while Mendez' lyrics shroud the entire mix in a chilling haze.

If you have already checked their album on BEB or are a fan of Sandra Plays Electronics or The KVB, this is well worth your time, spectacularly bleak and rewarding listening.

The Dull Age


Be Brave