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Zion Cluster Zine - Jamaica / UK / Outer Limits

Zion Cluster

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Fresh in the post from L.A -

We're happy to present this neat fanzine from Los Angeles, a proper D.I.Y. labour of love, an unpretentious account of tastes, sounds and vibes.

Nicely written, very informative but also objective and tinged with enough personality and underground aesthetic to warrant the D.I.Y. nature of it -
Covering aspects of UK, Jamaican and US soundsystem music, the Zion Cluster magazine covers a wide range of good music, and the insights reviews and remarks are nicely varied - from the vacant memories of a night out in Hong Kong, a comprehensive run-up of some of Digital Dancehall's most important outlets, an insight into Jamaican sensation 'Popcaan', an interview with our good friends 'Dubkasm' and 'Rider Shafique', a list of 'lost dubs', an interesting heart-to-heart with Louisville's Nmesh... Plus more -

This is a great companion to your latest records and a nice cup of coffee or mint tea.

No additional shipping costs when shipped with other items.