• gambles-label-second-thing
  • Gambles label 002

Zuli - Bionic Ahmed EP


Regular price £7.99
Complex and mind warping beat science from the mind of Ahmed El Ghazoly (PKA ZULI) on Lee Gamble’s UIQ label.

There are 6 diverse tracks on offer here ranging from the warped metallic explorations and cyborg shapes of ‘Robotic Handshakes In 4D’ (which is paired with it’s widescreen post rave partner ‘Robotic Jabs In 4D’) through to the pulsating textures of ‘Dr Beckett’. The Bionic Ahmed ep inhabits a fascinating space between the intricacies of art house sound design and club friendly 2-step constructions, never fully giving way to the trappings of either and rewarding repeated home listening and play from adventurous DJs equally.

The frosted glass textures of ‘Compactpact’ are juxtaposed with the outstanding hollow point menace of 131001G, displaying a mastery of sound design and dance floor sonics, it’s not hard to see why Mr Gamble snapped this killer EP up, if you dig his sound or the likes of Batu, Beneath and Logos, step right up - this one’s for you.

Limited to 400 copies.

Robotic Handshakes In 4D


Robotic Jabs In 4D
