Franco Franco & O$VMV$M link up on Do You Have Peace? - Check the video...
We've got a lot of time for the offerings from the 'do you have peace' label, operated by Amos Childs of Jabu / Young Echo fame.
Kicked off during that high concentration / life evaluation period during the early months of the 2020 lockdown, the label has since taken a steady amount of great twists and turns around the (loose) Jabu axis with friends and family adding to the output in steady style & fashion.
From that first linkup tape with poet Daniela Dyson, a 7" version excursion with Sunun, leading into that big 2nd LP from Jabu 'Sweet Company', mixtape goodness from Jiinx and Sunun, connecting DJ dots between Akie & Lil Mofo, then going into ghostly Jabu-style dub realms as a follow up to the Sweet Company LP with the 'Versions' tape, and most recently burning new embers with that Intel Mercenary and Wilted Woman split tape, it's all been really very very nice, and the quality has remained tip top from start to finish - to put it simply.

This latest release on the label is a very special surprise, not least because - 'O$VMV$M' - the side project of Amos, alongside Young Echo / Bandulu don Sam 'Neek' Barrett is now side-stepping from the Dollar Discs / Young Echo / NoCorner / Idle Hands cloud and rearing it's head on the DYHP label too, but also because our dear friend and RWDFWD family 'Franco Franco' is fully in on this operation, spitting pure fuoco, (or shall we say 'fiori'?) on the mic.
Franco has been keeping busy - not just packing boxes of records with us, but also musically - and 'Solo Fiori' this new O$VMV$M-produced album on do you have peace, sees the MC's versatile style spread out over ultra-low-riding rhythms from O$', following up the recently released cyberpunk heat which he conjured up with regular sparring partner Kinlaw, for Avon Terror Corps with 'Mega Dopo Mega'.
Where the album with Kinlaw comes in from an explosive, fully hardcore industrial (t)rap angle, this latest piece from Franco Franco with O$VMV$M takes a more sniper style, lean & mean approach, suited to the slo-mo, ice-cold, yet tear-jerking style of O$VMV$M's productions.

Basically, we can't, and won't pick a favourite between the two - Franco is riding two different worlds with these, and it's amazing to see a rapper as versatile as young Franco - we've seen him freestyle over the maddest stuff impromptu on radio, controlling mosh pits live in the dance with pitched vocals, basically turning up to 11, and now we see him keeping things cooler than cool, letting these scorched O$ anthems flow in tandem with his voice, coming in like ebb & flow and giving space, and time to the sounds that embellish his unique story telling, word juggling style....
... Ait, full disclosure - non parlo italiano.
But we've read some translations from Franco, and we've heard, and seen accounts from italian friends, and in italian places - so we trust the content is as wicked, as it sounds - arguably, with the latter being the most important aspect anyway.

This above mentioned music is now out in the world, and what better way to start the dive into Franco Franco & O$VMV$M's new world, than to watch the jaw-droppingly great video created by Young Echo's very own 'Guest' (aka Jasmine Butt of Jabu fame) - this one kind of sums up everything we said above, but without having to babble-on as much, letting the sounds guide a visual world that feels, and looks like a conversation with the music playing out in our collective heads.
Franco's hazy, tripped out vocal style and O$VMV$M's singular production style get the 16mm intro-extrospection treatment, warping sound with vision, whilst also giving a nice 'animated shadow figure' style nod to that recent video she made (with Sam 'Neek' Barrett) for O$VMV$M's Weekend Saviour, out on NoCorner.
>> Now that you've heard us out, hit the play button on that video, and then go get the cassette or CD from us, support the thing, and turn it the hell up for maximum vibe$.
Grab a copy of the album here ←
Watch the video here ↓